wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Fall ride.......

I love what my dental hygienist said to me today. I said I was always nervous she would find something. She said and I quote, " I don't see anything crazy going on in there"
How reassuring.
Oh and no cavities! Yay,

I just got home from my chorus rehearsal. Our retreat is this weekend. Added to this excitement is that my birthday is Friday.
My 57th birthday.
I have some rules for a birthday because ......... I am all about breaking the rules.
1) there must be cake. The only bad cakes have raisins or white chocolate. I do not care for either.
2) happy birthday must not be sung. I don't care for that song. Jingle bells is more fun and you get to sing ho ho ho and hey!
3) presents are not necessary. I have far too many things as it is. Unless it's something like chocolate. All bets are off with chocolate. Or a new cardigan. One can never have too many cardigans.
4) if you open your mouth and the words. " I hope I look as good as you do at your age" come out of it......prepare.......to.......die.
5) yup flowers are nice.
6) once you hit 50 your life starts..........
7) to get better
8) I don't mind getting older
9) I have seen the alternative
10) yeah it's not good.

I have to work tomorrow and then I am off for about a week. I can't wait.
Thursday night we have a great gig coming up at Andy's Old Port Tavern. On Friday morning we leave for our retreat......
So the retreat this weekend is about 43 women singing, learning new music, and bonding. We sleep in cabins (unheated) and have a blast. It's cold and you have to sleep with hats on. We eat too much, laugh way too much, stay up too late and am exhausted on Sunday when it's over.......what a ride!

I can't wait.

Right now it's sleepy time....so,

Good night all to the north and g'day to down under!

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