Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


This was Munchkin 1 doing his homework tonight. 20 questions of Roman numerals. It took a while but he completed it. He's also one of 5 in his year chosen to do higher level maths lessons at the local secondary school every week for the next year. This afternoon was his first lesson and he loved it. Which is great as he gets easily bored and needs to be challenged.

Dentist for me this morning and opticians after work. Clean bill of health with the teeth and terribly dry eyes and astigmatism affecting my lenses but thankfully no change to prescription. Well...I've still my glasses appointment on Friday.

Mr C has been working hard over the past two days to clear the old house but now the garage and brick sheds are stuffed with boxes of STUFF to car boot, sell or donate.

Another day closer to referendum ... what will Friday morning bring??


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