Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


It's been a long day today.

Starting with me waking at 5.30 when I thought I heard someone on my gravel in my garden. So me being me I had to get up and investigate. All good thankfully.

Some lovely offers of help from my work colleagues today to assist in finishing our move. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

As the slab has now gone down on the new house we had to do a site visit to discuss the plans in more depth. So we've come away armed with various drawings to decide where we want sockets, lighting etcetera and to mark where we want to move a few small partition walls. It still looks very small! (Not the garage in the foreground).

It was competition night at Camera Club. A selection of varied prints and digital images. The judge have good critique and room for improvement on all images. One of my digital images came 3rd in the Mono category. So I'm pleased. I also took on board the pointers on my other images, one blatantly obvious and the other two I simply missed for looking too long.

Still no internet. Brief tethering to upload. Got the date wrong. Now Thursday!!


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