More Rugby

Neither Clare or I were working today so a leisurely start. Clare off for A Cheeky Killigrew, me a cooked breakfast.
We dropped Sam at college, (discretely so as not to damage her 'street cred') and then continued into Truro. We limited ourselves to one coffee but did start Christmas shopping, all very exciting, cannot say much on here, children read it, but we have a 'family' present and a couple of other bits 'n' bobs.
Home where in the true spirit of a day off I grabbed a 'combat kip', a quick thirty minutes in my arm chair.
Clare did her cafe meals tonight, Japanese for me, sausages, chips and beans for Josh, Clare and Sam will eat whilst we're out.
So here we are a Penryn College for another rugby session for Joshua, this one is part of the England RFU Development Programme. From these programmes the county and England schoolboy teams from around England are coached and selected.
Exciting Times.

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