The opportunity of a generation...

This is a photograph that hangs in my Dad's bedroom. It's my Dad's parents and his Dad is not in it, as he would say he's a twinkle in my Grandpa's eye!

The wee chap in the photograph is my Uncle Neil. It is Neil who my father credit's with getting him involved in politics and the Scottish National Party in particular. My dad would be hanging about Causewayhead park of an evening with his pals and Neil and his pal would be returning from an SNP meeting. My Dad says that his pals used to ridicule Neil and his pal a bit for their involvement and at that point my Dad was a bit clueless as to what the SNP was. So he asked his brother and my Uncle Neil gave him two books:

Whose Country? By Bruce Watson
What it is and What it stands for By T.H. Gibson

My Dad read them and that was that. He joined the SNP and from that day onward has worked and campaigned to bring Government back to Scotland with full powers.

Last night when Es and I visited Dad in hospital I created a wee game for us on our journey through...if we saw any YES posters or car stickers we had to shout "Och Aye". My teenage daughter was none to pleased as we walked through the hospital car park and I was shouting "Och Aye" every few steps. But that was the reality every few steps there was a car with a YES poster or sticker. This referendum campaign has sparked her interest in politics and the future of her country. She's not alone it has engaged many in our country who are out on the doorsteps and street stalls campaigning for the very first time in their life. Es has done her research and can present her rationale eloquently. So although I was embarrassing her a wee bit she was chuffed at the visible YES support as was I.

I'm lying in bed tonight reflecting on all of this and the week ahead. We are on the cusp of delivering Scotland's Future to Scotland's is within our grasp. By no means a done deal but within reach and it's exciting. This week we have the opportunity of a generation to choose a better path and create a new Scotland. I have no doubt that the fear factor will be turned up to full volume this week but I urge you don't be frightened and bullied into voting no. We can do this, no doubt about it...believe in your fellow citizens, believe in the resources of your country, choose hope over fear and vote YES.

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