This is me!

Normally the camera is not handled by wifey; but after she graciously let me upload a picture of her getting ready on Friday I thought it was only fair I did a self portrait.

Unfortunately I struggle to hold the camera at arms length, and couldn't be arsed to set up the tripod and timer.....

So here I am.

Being a year older (and some months) I should look older than the wife; but the beard and hair is getting a lot of grey in it; the wrinkles on the forehead are frown lines - that I've probably had since birth!!!
Whilst the bags under the eyes, are actually not too bad!
The benefits of a cheeky afternoon nap with JJ after we came back from a pre-birthday (wifey tomorrow), lunch at TGI Fridays.

Not a bad Sunday.

Over a year ago, I had less hair, but looked less tired!!.

You'll have to wait until another year or so before the next selfie.

<edit> Just noticed this my 600th blip. Not a balloon one, but still quite significant I think.

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