Peeping Sheep

A fairly misty day over most of Shetland. Misty in Scalloway, fairly misty in Lerwick but been hearing reports that Cunningsburgh has been clear and sunny all day and I've missed it!

My weekend on at the museum and a fairly quiet day for a Saturday. We also had some visitors returning to the museum as their flights home had been cancelled due to the mist. A busy night on the ferry ahead for some :)
After work and popped along Scalloway and it was still misty and misty when I arrived home in Cunningsburgh. Walkies in the misty evening with Sammy dog and then might head out for a pint with friends later.

This little sheep peeped out at me as I was heading for an evening walk with Sammy. Not much light tonight, it seemed very dull, so I thought using a mono would suit best :) Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.

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