madwill's world

By madwill

Soap Box Derby

There was a soap-box derby in the village today using one of the long straight steep hills to run down.

I was on my way to see it this morning, but first I called into the village hall to look at all the photographs entered for the Bramham calendar 2015. I was really pleased to see that one of my photos of the church had been selected to go on the March page!

I got distracted looking at all the photos and discussing enties with the organisers and I never made to the race this morning. I almost caused apoplexy when I said it had been really difficult to remove the lightning rod from the church wall in my photo - I had to explain that I had cloned it out in Photoshop and not physically removed it.

As for the soap-box derby, when we went for our walk this afternoon, I saw the last two racers come down the hill - at quite a frightening speed I have to say - but did not have camera at the ready.

So I managed a few shots of the machines waiting to be hauled back up the hill.

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