Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Three Faces of Bonnie Scotland

Perth High Street was absolutely jumpin' when I went down about 3pm, hoping to see Nicola and Alex on their 7 Cities Whistlestop tour. I brought along a load of these beautiful Bella Caledonia posters (check out the website). Everyone wanted one and soon they were getting snapped up right, left and centre.

The crowd was mostly jovial and good natured: I chatted a lot to wee woman holding a NO placard, and we discussed our reasons for our voting intentions, and tried to trick each other into temporarily holding the other's placard. Good fun. However, she was among the minority of good tempered 'Nay-sayers' I have to say. Another lady came with a friend, and stood right in the centre of the circle us WfI girls had formed. When I turned round and noticed them I honestly thought they were there by mistake (we had a large banner being held at waist height all the way round our circle of girls). I simply asked the woman if she realised she had come into the WfI group by accident, to which she just gave me a cold, unblinking stare. Wondering if perhaps she had not understood I just said again that this wee group of people were all supporters of independence, and perhaps she and her friend had come to stand with us by mistake?, and at that she snapped that it was "tactics like that the Yes campaign were using to frighten people", and then said she was off to report me!

A little later, as I stood in the crowd around a TV broadcasting crew, holding my Bella poster up, a very nasty man took his hard cardboard placard and literally hit my poster with full force, bursting right through it and nearly hitting me in the face. Needless to say he did not apologise, and when I asked him why he had hit me he just walked away.

Anyway, eventually Nicola and Alex arrived, and in the scrum it was a case of just lifting my camera up in the air and pointing it wherever there appeared to be something happening! I was delighted to get this nice clear picture of Nicky, with a Woman for Independence supporter holding up the Bonnie poster.

I was even more delighted later, when Alex signed my poor torn one for my grandchildren. Win or lose, that's getting kept in a safe place.

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