Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Thirteen Years

Thirteen years ago today, G and I were sunbathing by a pool-bar in Roda, Corfu, when a big English guy came strolling in and said he had just heard on Sky News that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Centre. We all got up and went in to watch what happened next.

All that day and for the rest of our holiday every bar, every hotel, probably every house, was tuned to the news channels. In English, German, Greek, all you could hear were the same expressions of disbelief and horror. I think it must have been a bit like the Christmas Day truce in the first World War, when for a while there were no divisions, and we were all just people united in shock and sympathy for the plight of those poor, poor people trapped in those buildings and on those planes.

And then we all went back to our lives, but I imagine most of us will spare a moment today to think about the many victims of 9/11, and will never have any problem remembering exactly where we were when we heard the news.

Back from holiday now again, and back to our lives. I'm catching up on the weekend papers - so delighted to see the front page of the Sunday Herald - in contrast to the ones I have bought this morning.

'UK Party Leaders Appeal to Scots' - not to this Scot they don't! Wonder why on earth those three Muppets think it will change our minds if they all come chuntering up North of the Border ONE WEEK before the referendum, just because they heard that the YES vote was up?

Personally, I find it extremely demeaning that they couldn't be bothered to make much effort before, just relied on the same tired old tactics of scare and deride - which they are now going into full scale.

Also, I really wish someone could tell me what the front page headline on Monday's 'Scottish' Sun said; the edition which was on sale in Ibiza had the headline: "JOCKY HORROR SHOW". Racist? Noooooo - not The SUN! If it was the same headline here, and nobody nipped round to their editorial offices and made a wee complaint I'll be very disappointed.

Away out canvassing tonight, got some leafleting tomorrow, and working the street stall on Saturday.

One week today ......................

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