
By Appreciation

The perfect antidote this morning - coffee with Moira. She laughs like a drain at all of life's issues and shines a beacon of light into the dark recesses of your inner self. That combined with it being her turn to buy the cake and I was one happy happy happy. I loved her comment that I had chosen cake to match my clothes. Now that's taking fashion to a whole different level.

I also allowed myself an afternoon at the allotment digging for Victory. The constant growth this late in the season is exciting. The sweetcorn might even be edible this year and the potatoes are still light and delicious. None of that matters compared to the quiet, calm atmosphere, away from all things challenging and having the time to simply allow myself to be. I found an inner calm and a light that I hadn't noticed shining these last few days. That was encouraging.

And the sunflowers, so grand and tall and erect (it has to be said!). They shine out and make me smile, they remind me of 'Weed' from Bill and Ben and I want them to put those delicate leaves around me and scoop me up to the sun. Hmmm, perhaps there was the odd mushroom to munch on too today!

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