Nanna's birthday

We had a family day off today for Angus's Mum's birthday.

Angus got in late from London last night to find Audrey and I in the same room sleeping (apparently our breathing was synchronised!) She wouldn't settle last night so had ended up watching Bake Off with me. After refusing to sleep in her room, we eventually fell asleep (early) in our room together.

Angus's Mum and I's relationship has been fraught at times but I always try and make an effort. She was lovely today and we had a little bridge building chat. She is desperate to be more hands on with Audrey and just wants to be given the chance to look after her. Hopefully now Audrey is a bit older, this should be a bit easier as she does tire easily and we worry that Audrey could be too much for her.

We went to Angus's new place for lunch (see pic of Audrey walking with her Grandad Dan) and had a lovely meal. Audrey was very tired and when she started getting a bit shouty, Audrey and I left in a black cab leaving them to it.

Angus and Audrey are currently having their first bathtime together in almost a month while I work next door. Can't quite believe my husband is actually home tonight!

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