
When I woke up this morning, my gums were a bit sore but not too bad.
I rolled up the cover for my polytunnel and it seems okay
And quite a fine morning!
I decided to take Fred out for a run in the car if he was feeling up to it and he was.
We went to New Aberdour beach and sat there for a while then I suggested he takes a look at Fraserburgh beach as he has never seen it, despite living only about 10 miles from it for more that 10 years.
Anyway, on the way there, I spotted this seal basking on a rock so a quick emergency stop, a bit of reversing ( I'm rubbish at that) and here he is. There were about six of them altogether.
This really is the colour of the sea today.
This is my favourite song about seals.
I bought it as a single.
(If I remember properly, it was about a model who lead a campaign against using seal skins for fur coats.)

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