Getting back into it

Kinda taking this week off, but it was good to rock around town in the truck. Buying a few things we've been needing - like a chipper (we generate mountains of garden debris).

Loving the truck we bought just before I left for the summer. After running round town in it this morning, we gave it the task of pulling out some chain link fencing that had taken root in the ground (about 6-12" of fencing was actually buried and tangled into roots etc). So....bring the truck up to pull some of it out. Ha! What fun.

Also put the new (old) truck my wife had bought into the garage to get fixed so we can get that on the road. We love the F250, but it is thirsty. Interestingly, the F250 showed 11mpg from the entire summer, and from today (70-80 miles round town) and me driving, it was showing just over 14mpg....Anyway, just before I came home we found a Ford Ranger for sale - next door - and made an offer for it. Very very small to sit inside after the F250.

Should have the Ranger back tomorrow.

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