Uf! Almost there on the top!

The invasion of the happy snails today in my garden! This is the last one to race to the top of my apples!! I think this is a Spanish and he is very lazy. He looks happy with the new coat but it is too heavy for him I suposse .
We were very busy today chopping the apple tree and collecting all the apples. Well ! my husband did it. I just help litle bit , my back wtill is not well .We have lots of apples. The snails can smell it I think. They are so colourful affter gived them a new coat to brighten my day. I put the flag on the top and they raced to there .Thanks guys for the racing. It was so funny .
Maybe tomorrow they are in other gardens make somebody smile..haha! some of them are just the shells. It was an inspiretion i didn't like their dark coats..
Thanks a lot for the kind words yesterday for my flowers to Eric. His wife loves the flowers. She is too sad but she will be ok. I made another apple cake today for her and the others.
Enjoy the weekend everyone and smile. The life continues! Even if you are litle sad try to smile .

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