Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Memory Tree….

......At the Botanics.

The Occupational Therapist came this morning at 11.30am. I had woke at 5 but managed to get back to sleep, eventually getting up at 8.30. I was still in my pj’s when she came as I had no inclination to get showered and dressed.

We talked about my anxiety and what triggers it. She gave me a few hand outs and a relaxation CD to do. I had to fill in a checklist of all the anxiety symptoms. She also left a weekly planner and we will fill it in together on Monday for the coming week. A good thing to go by, it will give me a purpose to the day if I have something written down that I have to do.
For today she wrote shower, dress and a walk in the botanics, as I said I had thought about doing that.

Tomorrow she said I was to get showered and dressed before the nurse comes at 11am.

So today I managed to shower, dress and take a walk.

Even though I am seeing someone every day I feel incredibly alone in this journey. I am still thinking ‘what is the point’.
I really really want a drink tonight.

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