This day

By snapper

Eager Beavers!

Long lie for a change, a wee read before getting up then had to get up when 3 dogs came bounding in wanting attention

Went to the local farmers market but it only had 2 stalls but bought a fair bit of lamb, I love lamb and could eat it to a band playing in all sorts of ways.

Went looking for a Valentine card for chubby hubby and what a hoot that was, there were 2 other lassess in the shop, one was visiually impared and her carer was helping her to pick a card. Well she managed to find the most raunchy ones and we all 3 of us had a laugh, she finally setteled on a more normal one, I had a bother finding one I liked for myself, all the cards for married people seems to be soppy syripy stuff telling how wonderful your husband / wife is, nothing with any sort of middle of the road fun, as hubby always picks me a soppy sentimental one, I usually go for something more upbeat, finally setteled on a minamalist black and red one.

As he is working tomorrow the romantic dinner will be this evening. Thought I would decorate some fancy wine glasses and bring out the candles, that will get youngest daughter going "aw mum yuk" I can just imagine the reaction!

Took doggies out for a long plod round the loch where the beaver experiment
is going on. There is evidence of beaver movement about but today Sam the Patterdale decided to eat this log that was across the stream so I bet the beaver people will be thinking wow these beavers are busy while all the time the log was felled by wee Sam!!! hee hee.

Roast beef cooking away quietly at the moment, will have roast tatties and roast onions followed by something sweet (no not me you leacherous lot!)

Freda still looking for more food but I think she has lost a wee bit of weight as her tail looks a bit thinner!

Have a good weekend one and all

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