This day

By snapper

Love is in the air!

Gosh where do I start?
Went to bed last night at 11.30pm but just couldn't sleep so got up and read and surfed till 3am
Back to bed and slept.
8.00am up and out to take eldest daughter to her work and though I may have not seen the sun rise, I did see a very sunny Glasgow.

Back to house, took fat Freda out who insisted on hoovering her way along the pavement looking for tit bits. Of course her diet went out the window yesterday and this morning so she was quite content, but its back to the nuggets this evening!

Phone the cleani up as they had not uplifted a deep freeze we left at the back land last November! This time I spoke to some officious wuman who said "ah yes I see from the notes that it wasn't uplifted cause the men could not get access" Well I was to say the least gobsmacked! My son and his mate had lifted it up two sets of stairs then up tha garden slope and left it at the lane entrance which is always easil accessed! I told her so and sh got onto me then for leaving it in a public place and why couldnt we take it round the front? I said that would involve lugging this hulking big freezer round the block and then having to leave it either up two sets of stairs in the front garden or on the pavement
Says Miss Snappy " you cant leave it on the pavement thats , yes you guessed a public place and firdges have gas and this could be dangerous. Given that it was taped securly as requested and had stood silently sinc last November I don't think there was much in the way of danger. I then told her I would email her a digital picture of how easily accesed this wee lane which incidently was part of our Title Deeds therefore not "public" and she could see how easy it was to get to!
"We shall try again but if we cant pick it up you have to take it to the dumpo yourswelf!

Got my posters printed then went off to a small twon with one street to put them up . Never been there before but it had 4 jewellery shops, 5 bokkie shops, 8 hairdressers and countless takeaways. The Chaves were pushing turbo charged baby buggies that cost more than my car and I could not have dreamed of buying when my kids were babies as I could not afford it. They had multiple piercings, track suits and for the first tiem I heard that lovely expression being uesd by the real people, "its pure died brilliant" An anthroplogists dream was this wee one street town. Can't mention it by name as I may have to go back there sometime

Finally made my way home and caught up with the last of this weeks work.
Fat Freda and friends now looking at me to take them a wee plod so must motivate myself
Todays pic was of a flower shop in Glasgow's West End and as its so near Valentines Day (which reminds me I best get a card for chubby hubby)

Hope weather is good and I can wander aboot and take some decent pictures
Happy Valentines day to one and all when it comes

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