Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

King of the Kitchen

That would be me. I got up early and finally sorted out the key drawers and cupboards that a good cook needs to have well organised in a busy kitchen. A man needs to know where his Parmesan grater is.

Jack Stein is pretty good too by all accounts; he is pictured here at our local food festival which I have to say was much bigger and better this year than last. I bought some excellent marmalade and ate a tasty samosa but managed to avoid buying yet more kitchen stuff I don't need.

Apparently Jack tells a good story about a chicken with its head stuck up a pig's bum or so his girlfriend tells me (she sits about six feet away from me at work and tells me many tales of food fairs she has gone to with him - most of them far more picturesque than our local concrete town centre). We didn't get to hear it today, possibly because he was cooking shellfish. Which reminds me of the joke about the inebriated lobster and his crab girlfriend ... the crustacean cross cultural issue was that lobsters walk forward and crabs walk sideways and she was worried it would be an issue when he met her parents, but on the day he obligingly lurched sideways through the door. "Oh darling" she said "thank you for walking sideways". "Itsch not deliberate" he slurred "Ahm jurst pissed" ...

Off to the Yoga Mama's this evening ... been a nice day ....

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