Follow the sun

Took a snap decision over coffee about 7:30 am to go to Arran for the day.

The weather forecast was sunshine there but cloudy at home.

I have a soft spot for the place, having worked there for a couple of months when I was a student. Today I had lunch in the hotel where I worked.

This song was in the charts the summer I worked in Brodick. Appropriate really (better than the Rod Stewart cover version too)


Two memories jumped out today.

First, my train and ferry journey from Aberdeen to Brodick to start that job. My train was delayed, I missed the last ferry and had to sleep in the ferry terminal that night.

Second, the wonderful girl I was in a relationship with that summer, and who came to visit me on the island.

Arran is only 55 minutes from the mainland, but another world.

Now heading home on the 16:40 ferry,

Wonderful day out.

The Blip is the ferry approaching the terminal at Brodick on my outward journey.

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