Dear Mr / Ms Mosquito,
Don't get me wrong. Last night was fun. Well ok, fun might be stretching it, but I will remember it for a while, that's sure. That game of hide and seek where I stalked you around the room and you'd vanish, only to reappear the second I'd given up and fallen asleep, your loud buzz in in my ear seeming to shout "haha! here I am!"
And in case I could forget, there are the friendly nibbles that will remind me for days of our evening together.
Now it is possible in my sweep of the room tonight that you were one of the two mosquitos that fell foul of my carelessly wielded weapon. But frankly if you can be defeated by a soft pillow then what kind of foe are you anyway.
But just in case you are still there, and don't read this, please take as some kind of message the half litre of this liquid I have poured over any part of me liable to protrude from under the covers tonight. I'm tired. I fell asleep at 9.30 tonight. I spent most of the afternoon bent double cleaning an attic. I'm sure you can take a hint.
Buzz off.
Yours, etc,
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