
I have been meaning to take a walk out to find this ruin for a long time. I spotted it with binoculars one day way out on the bog and have been determined to get there. Today I went for it and instead of the difficult walk I expected it to be I found a lovely path which has opened up a lot more walks that I didn't know about

This is the best photo I could manage of it today but the lighting was again dull and flat. I will certainly be back here before too long with my blip mate in tow.
Snapper will be pleased to hear I also found a fairly short route to this ruin which is great for photos and doesn't involve too much mud.

On the downside my computer packed in today and failed to start at all. The evening was spent with a lovely guy who came quickly on call out and managed to fix it for me so I am very pleased. It is now better than ever.

All in all a very positive day.

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