Building the muscles
Enjoying this fantastic late summer weather we ended our working week with a trip to the local lake and took a swim. I've never swum so late in the year but the water was still not breathtakingly cold, though it was definitely cold!
As we sat on the warm rocks drying off we could see several gaggles of geese resting on the water. Suddenly the geese in one of the gaggles starting honking to each other, then flapping at each other and finally taking off and flying out of sight, still shouting at each other in Goose. The lake fell silent for a minute or two and then the next gaggle, seemingly inspired by the first, went through the same procedure.
Over the next twenty minutes all the gaggles on the lake repeated this process until eventually this part of the lake was empty of geese.
In this particular image they are heading west, probably to another small lake just a short distance away.
They are definitely in training for the flight to the south.
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