Life Savors

By osuzanna

Backyard Bunny

I can see that I am going to have an adjustment period. All this free time seems to be slipping away from me. I have only this shot for a blip today. When I put it on the screen, I was very relieved to see that it was usable. If not, I knew I was going to have to start scrambling for household objects or plants and I wasn’t quite in the mood for that. When I shot this, it was the first time I had picked up my camera today and I didn’t stop to adjust the settings from last evening. Anyway, thank goodness this little fellow has the cute factor going for him.

The sunset this evening was absolutely gorgeous with beautiful pink and coral clouds. I was driving home from the gym and thought I might be able to stop and get a shot, but it didn't happen. We live in an area with many tall trees and lots of gentle rolling hills which are covered by suburban homes and streets. I realize that I really don’t have a good place to get a sunset shot because the horizon is hard to find. I think I will have to use some of this newly realized free time to scout out some locations.

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