"A valuable site"

A full day in the office and, consequently, not much opportunity for photographic fun. I didn't want to waste a sunny day, though, so, once I'd arrive home, I grabbed my camera and walked along to the top of Mill Brow. I love the view across to Barbon framed by the old stone buildings.

Except that on this occasion the various bits of building work and 'For Sale' signs rather spoilt the view.

They did, however, remind me of something I read earlier today: Alan Bennett's 'Sermon before the University' at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, delivered on the 1st of June, this year.

At the end of the sermon, he quotes from his play 'Forty Years On'. This "advertisement for England" was written in 1968 but look how relevant the words are today:

"To let. A valuable site at the crossroads of the world.

At present on offer to corporate clients. Outlying portions of the estate already disposed of to sitting tenants. Of some historical and period interest. Some alterations and improvements necessary

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