Gardeners' (single) question time

Amongst the many topics upon which those who know me well don't ask for my advice, you will find gardening. (Also: DIY, car maintenance, anything to do with football and, well, it's a long list.)

Today, though, I am going to give you a piece of gardening advice. Not only that, it is a tip that I have put to the test and empirically proven. So, relax and read with confidence.

A few weeks ago, the Minx did some extensive gardening at the cottage and we even went to a garden centre to buy some plants. The Minx expressed some concern that the plants might be attacked by slugs and my ears pricked up: finally, an opportunity to usefully contribute to the gardening project!

I suggested that we put some beer out in a couple of plastic cups. I'm not saying this suggestion met with a cynical response but for a moment it did seem as though a small dark cloud of doubt passed across her normally sunny expression. Later that evening, however, when we went out to look, there were slugs queuing up to drown themselves in beer.

Since then, every night, especially after a heavy rain, slugs of various shapes and sizes come to sup their last in my plastic pubs. Of course, it is a bit disgusting but, on the other hand, the plants are mostly well and the slugs have proved an occasional point of discussion, notably with the boyfriend of one of my daughters (although, thinking about it, he may have been humouring me).

I'm sure that it was my dad - an accomplished and enthusiastic gardener - who passed this nugget of gardening lore down to me but when I mentioned it to him, he looked at me a bit blankly. (Mind you, he might have been confused by the fact that I was apparently talking to him about gardening.)

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