
By joshcowling11

Melasini lake

Today we went to Drogarati cave which is famous for its huge stalactites and stag mites. It was so cool but it is used as a rock concert hall which has ruined it a bit.

We then went to Melasini underground lake which was beautiful. It was completely underground but the 1959 earthquake caused the roof to fall in, it is 15m deep in most places and 30m deep in others. We went in a boat around the lake and half of it is still underground and the boat shows you, the man told us all about it.The water is perfectly blue (as shown in the picture). Afterwards I bought a little canvas picture for my en suite which is so cool.

We then went to Saint Friday beach which was soo warm, however, when we got in the car o drive home the car wouldn't start so we and to call the repair man to bring a new battery because it was flat, while we waited for ages we went to a taverna by the beach and bought a drink and snack and I went down to a little cove just by the taverna and skimmed stones

We got home and had tea then went to bed

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