
By Mindseye

Ten Arches Railway bridge

Today we were looking after Olivia again over in Congleton. After lunch we toddled off for our walk, grandad pushing Olivia in her pushchair, me with my camera slung over my shoulder :-) We followed a different route and took a walkway that lead us alongside the Dean pasture and towards these railway arches, which as far as I can tell are known as Ten Arches. After 10 minutes walking, our little sleepyhead was away with the fairies and didn't see the light of day for almost 2.5 hours! Meanwhile grandma and grandad walked their socks off.......eventually got back to mummy and daddy's house, grandad mowed the front and back lawns, I kept Olivia occupied once she'd woken up. Then daddy came home and he and grandad put up two new curtain poles and a new picture over the fireplace, and very nice it all looks too! I fed and then bathed Olivia; whilst I was running the bath she was toddling around and unbeknown to me had got one of her cuddly toys (lovely little black and white doggy) and promptly threw it in the bath water! She loves her bath time and splashed and splashed me so much I had to take refuge behind the shower screen! A tiring but very enjoyable day.

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