White on White
TallGirl started back at school while CarbBoy didn't have school at all. Most schools in France have school on Wednesday morning now, but we voted in our school and voted against. Now we just have to cross our fingers that they don't sack our lovely head teacher for that decision....
Then some more painting.
Sport this afternoon for the kids - CarbBoy has moved up an age group in basketball and has new trainers who all the watching parents thought were very strict and tough, but the kids all loved them. So that's ok. TallGirl carries on insisting that riding is a proper sport - despite a long conversation tonight about golf not (according to her) being a proper sport because - when we got to the heart of the matter - you don't get very sweaty.
After golf was dealt with (TallGirl was outvoted 3 to 1 on it being a sport) a long discussion on Scottish words was prompted by a blip from Lady F. Seeing TallGirl reading a paragraph in Scots was hilarious, though she managed to guess most of it. CarbBoy, interestingly, reverted to French for his guesses - I suppose that is now his default language. And it can help out with Scottish words from time to time.
Tomorrow: more super hot weather (our summer has arrived late and I think my leeks may die.) ... And more painting. And maybe carpet buying.
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