Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Tea House

I have had a rest day from teaching today. But jet lag woke me up far too early so I did a few hours work in my room. I was having lunch with Roger one of my favourite colleagues here with whom I will be teaching when I return in December. He took me to lunch at a vegetarian restaurant in Nan Lian Gardens where I took the rock I displayed on Sunday. He also bought me a lovely present (for no special reason) of some special Green Tea from China and a flask to make it in and keep it warm. Very touched. We had a nice lunch and chatted about our teaching and lots of other things. Whilst there I took some more photos and this is one of the Tea House there which I would love to visit but is just too expensive!

Returned to the hotel for a little rest and now relaxing in the e-club, where free drinks and snacks are on offer for a couple of hours. Pity I am not drinking! Anyway the sales manager called in to meet me and gave me a present too. It must be my birthday.

If I wasn't in Hong Kong today I would be in Weymouth saying goodbye to someone I met through our online cancer community. It was a great guy and had a difficult struggle over his final few months. Barry's motto until the end was 'life is for living' and he demonstrated this so wonderfully in his last few months. He cared so much for his friends online that he wrote a note which appeared online the day after he died. What a wonderful selfless act. I shall raise a glass of champagne (its free of course!) at 7.15 pm here to coincide with his funeral. Barry would have liked that as he was stationed in Hong Kong for quite a number of years and we had chatted about life here. RIP Barry.

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