Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Stepping Stones

A time of year for taking steps to something new - Sarah is off to college, David is off to Uni, I am taking on more work and adjusting to all three of those things. We are all stepping out with some trepidation but excitement too.

I said I would Blip through August to get to 500 Blips. I did, and I have. 500 seems like a nice round number on which to pause for reflection, so I intend to do just that for a while.

Thank you to everyone for the unwavering positivity and support; I apologise if I have not been as positive and supportive of you. It's not because I didn't want to be. Wish me luck for the stepping stones, and I wish you all similarly. With bells on.

I posted this before, but I'm not sorry!

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