Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Time Travel

I have been trying to do this for ages - it is impossible! This wasn't the ideal photo to use as David is a tiny speck in the distance, but it's the only one I could get even remotely to work. Hats off to the folk who manage to do it successfully.

I spent so many hours in the park when the children were young; some days I would like to travel back in time for a day to experience it all again. I doubt though that I could manage the double-buggy, or the car seats, or - shudder - nappy changing!

When would you time travel to, if you could?

Last day of August - I have a vivid snapshot memory of the last day of the summer holidays, maybe it was 1977 or 1978. A group of us had invented a game we called "getaway" and we had played it for the full six weeks. Straight after breakfast until twilight - how cross I was when I had to go visit relatives because I was sure they would be having the best game EVER without me. I can remember exactly where I was standing. and the feeling washing over me that it was all coming to an end. I don't suppose I realised at the time that by the next Summer the members of the group who were just kids would become boys and girls, and that the unselfconscious days would be left behind.

I am still in touch with two of them, we have had marriages, kids, jobs, divorces, joys and sorrows; one still lives just near where I was standing on that day, the other in New Zealand. It is good to keep people who knew us when we were young, in our lives.

A bit of cheesy nostalgia about the end of Summer.

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