Day 13. Home

Good and bad to be home.

Good because ......
My dogs went mad to see us.
My son picked us up from the station in his new car while the other one cooked a wonderful dinner for us.
We seem to have bought the sunshine with us.
Both Louise and Holly came over for dinner.

Bad because......
I would so rather be back in Montana.....I really would.
Everyone is back to work tomorrow and I'm going to miss being with my husband and spending quality time with him on a daily basis.
Travelling has made me so sleepy.
I've been on the scales and wish I hadn't.

So tomorrow it's back to eating clean and back to the exercise regime.
Back to face timing Tom.
Back to the daily chores.
Back to organising quality time to spend with my husband at the weekends.
Back to taking my dogs for long walks.
Catching up with my friends and my blip friends.

Yes I'm back home.

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