
By Purplepants

The boy cat

was prowling about when I was hanging out washing and I had my camera on the garden table.
(please notice that my herbs are not dead! - I knew there had to be some good come of all that rain!)
I find it difficult to get a very good image of him. He is very shiny but black fur seems to be hard to photograph (hmm - probably just me... Peanut seems to manage good blips of Storm...) That, and the fact that he just won't co-operate with being a film star... So finally - here he is - one year on!

Domestic day today - cleaning up again (people over tomorrow for lunch) and bagging up of the clothes for Demelza which I have delegated as 'not ever likely to fit again unless I radically change my lifestyle' or 'too young for you now, give it a rest!'
Fred and I are boy free tonight as Alex has gone for a sleep over.

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