
By RobinBanneville

Simply Bordeaux Harbour

I was asked at work today, if I would accept the "Ice Bucket" challenge and pour an ice cold bucket of water over myself for charity ...
My reply was: "Don't you think that in my state of health, I should first write a will and get all my affairs in order, before attempting anything like that..? If it's all the same with you, I will of course donate something to charity, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass on the bucket of water bit."
(Actually, what I really said was: "expletive removed off ... Are you trying to expletive removed kill me ... If you think I'm gonna expletive removed pour a bucket of ice cold expletive removed water over myself, whether it be for a good cause or not, you've gotta be off your expletive removed rocker ... I'll donate to charity by all means, but I can do that without having to attempt expletive removed suicide at the same expletive removed time ... several expletives removed ... No expletive removed way.")
To which the nominator replied: "I'll put you down as a 'maybe' then, shall I..?"
Don't get me wrong folks, if people want to have a bit of fun and do the challenge, then good luck to them ... It is after all for a good cause, as there are a lot of people out there far worse off than I am, but I can donate (which I will) without getting soaked and frozen in the process ... :o|
(I'm now officially known as; "The Grumpy Old Killjoy OF The Laundry." ... but I can live with that - which is more than might have been said if I'd accepted.)
Anyway, here's an emergency picture of Bordeaux Harbour ...
Hmmm, it looks quite inviting ... I think I might go for a swim when the tide gets a bit higher. ... :o)

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