
By RobinBanneville


I did try to capture a shot of what looked like a satellite crashing to earth somewhere towards the northwest of Guernsey, but as I watched it falling closer and closer towards the ground seemingly less that a mile from where I and a few of my family were watching it, I decided to run for cover instead ... Expecting a rather enormous explosion, I was very surprised to see that nothing actually happened after it had disappeared from view ... So I cautiously stood up and was even more amazed when I saw it rising again into the sky, circling and swirling above us, with light flashing and loud blip noises emanating from it ... Was this really a UFO..?
In an instant it shot off towards the east at tremendous speed, too soon for me to struggle for my emergency camera ... Still in awe I ran inside to fetch my main camera in hopes that it (whatever it was) would return ...
As I stepped back outside into the garden I noticed that a Red Arrow display had begun ... but this was no ordinary display ... Eight of the planes flew immediately over the house at a stupidly low altitude, but that was nothing compared to the ninth arrow which was flying past the house at a height of about 30 feet ...
I was quick enough this time, however, to grab my camera out of it's bag and 'rapid-shoot' several amazing shots ...
Meanwhile, a different type of jet fighter had joined the display and was flashing in a halo of light into the sun ... and again I took an unbelievable shot of it ...
Then suddenly, I saw the original "UFO" had returned and was disappearing behind the trees at the top of the garden ...
When I reached the what seemed to be the best vantage point (looking down over St Peter Port from Fermain Valley) I switched on my camera again and watched it as it slowed down ...
Great telescopic rods began to extend from it ... Plasma lights glowed from the rods ... Then an enormous screen stretched out into a massive display ...
I just kept snapping away with camera, in awe of what I was seeing ...
Then an image crackled into life on the screen which showed a man talking about toothpaste which could make your teeth "whiter than white" ...
It was about then that it occurred to me that this was just a very large outdoor screen being tested out over the island ...
I was a little despondent that I hadn't actually caught a UFO for my blip entry, but at least I had a terrific shot of a Red Arrow flying past me not 30 feet from where I live ...
On my way back indoors a neighbour stopped me to say how exciting it all was and ask if I'd got any good photos ...
"Yes", I replied enthusiastically, "if none of these make the spotlight on 'blipfoto' then something is wrong." ... but as I tried to show her some of the shots on the camera, bits started to fall off ... I tried to shove the bits back on where they had fallen off from, but by then my camera had turned into cardboard ... :o(
By now I'm sure that some of you will have realized that none of the above actually happened ...
Believe it or not, I actually feel a lot better today ... my cold appears to have left me with a few sniffles, but nothing I can't handle ... but last night I only slept for about 15 minutes and suffered from a rare-for-me bout of insomnia ...
However, the 15 minutes that I did sleep were certainly exciting ... :o)
Never mind ... Here's the sunset taken from Vazon (without a single UFO in sight) ... :o)

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