
By Chook

Normality #3

Been for a swim tonight. Think I have half the pool up my nose.

Storm's a-coming and the sky looked interesting, so went from the pool to the beach to check it out. Blue in one direction, a deep dark grey the other. If I'd have been concentating, done a U-turn and aimed the camera the other day, the photo would have been spectacular. Oh well, it'll give me cause to go back to the beach on the next stormy evening. As it is, it wasn't a bad sunset, and does contain, in silhouette, a heap of fisherman, a bunch of dive-bombing idiots and a chatty man with red braces and too-short pants who hates the Westgate Bridge. You'll have to take my word for it.

B is home tomorrow after close to a year overseas. Looking forward to seeing her, even if she'll be jet lagged and grumpy. Safari njema, Bebop!

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