one of those days

Usual early Thursday morning start, and at Rotary for 7:15. I think I left my brain in bed.

I was planning on taking the Virgin 10:17 to get to Edinburgh for my meeting, but they cancelled it. Plan B was to jump in the car, drop it around Murrayfield and get a bus into the centre. A slight shortage of fuel and the red light came one, but we survived.

The late lunch after the meeting was a respite - picnic in Princes St Gardens with an M&S sandwich. Well, it's still August!

Then back to World HQ to pick up the pieces.

On the negative side, someone threw an egg at Jim Murphy MP as he was campaigning here this afternoon. Pity. He has attracted Yes hecklers on his countrywide tour, and since he doesn't attract many No campaigners, I suspect provoking the Yes crowd is part of the plan.

My son had the wing mirror kicked off his car while out campaigning for Yes last week, but the media won't care about that.

The Yes campaign is 99.99% happy, positive people but there's always one, isn't there.

The Blip is St Andrew Square in Edinburgh. Last time I was there I was having an Aperol spritz during the festival. Today they were packing up.

The Load Out

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