
After breakfast we had a critique session in the hope that later the weather would improve and we'd be able to get out then. I think Colin didn't want to have to talk about himself … again! But it meant we had to quickly find some images for him (a tricky business being that we hadn't really taken much yet). Suddenly I wished I had my 'old' photos with me! By luck 'The Pencil' was on the pen drive I brought then I just grabbed some from the last two days. My computer was not happy about moving files around though and I was last down.
We only got through 3 of us (not mine) but that was really good. I enjoyed them.

At 11:30 we took off to Eigg. It was a very choppy crossing but it was dry :0)
I decided not to 'try' so hard. There were a number of little shots by the shore I would like to have taken but I felt that with the better weather I ought to venture further. I sat and had my lunch on a rock then took the view I was looking at. It wasn't all that great. Then just as I was about to head off Colin came over for his lunch and said he was going up the waterfall. That was where I wanted to be!
We both made it up in the end and I enjoyed just watching how he went about setting it up. Then he got me to set up in the same place………I'm going to need a new tripod!!!!!! I then stayed around the waterfall 'playing' with the water.
A cup of tea on the boat with my biscuit that I'd saved from lunch and we were off again. I listened to crispy music on the way back and enjoyed standing in the way of the spray!

Dinner: spicy cumberland soup; haddock with a crispy parmesan toping, scalloped potatoes, carrots and broccoli; chocolate tort; coffee :0)

Bed. I'm tired tonight!

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