Red Admiral

A cancelled meeting. A possible sunny day. Well, I couldn't miss it really.

In between doing essential shopping, I called in to Elford Hall Garden and had a blissful hour wandering round with my Canon.

They've moved most of the Scarecrows from last weekend's festival. The winning exhibit was The Horseman - a very clever one in which a hedge becomes the centrepiece of a rider apparently going through it. They've taken it down (but I saw it on a Blip friend's Facebook).

Butterflies were making the most of the sunny interlude. The Speckled Woods were very sparky. They had ventured further than the deep greenery at the entrance and were even jumping all over bright yellow daisies. The Small Tortoiseshells were still enjoying the lavender. The Whites were all over the place and frequently buzzing me but not staying to be blipped.

There were lots of Red Admirals and they were venturing onto other plants now the buddleias are more or less finished. I had quite a difficult choice but I went for the colour blend as this one investigates the Ecinacea.

The sun has gone now - but what a treat while it lasted

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