
By CoffeePotter

Rabbit Stuffing

No it’s not thyme and parsley or even sage and onion, it’s toy stuffing.

I’m part-way through making a rabbit for a friend who is expecting a baby in September. She goes on maternity leave next week, so I thought I’d better get a wriggle on, and started yesterday because the weather was too atrocious to go out.

The lady in question was actually a house-mate of our son when he was at uni, and then she went to live in Taiwan for a couple of years since he’s been out there. We’ve kept in touch with most of his friends over the years, and she comes with her husband to stay with us now and then, and calls us up for a chat and to see how we are, which is lovely (they live about 120 miles from us). She’s called us “honorary Mum and Dad” for years, and now we’re “Honorary Grandparents” which is rather nice, as our son and our grandchildren are such a long way away.

She actually put in a request for a rabbit as soon as she found out that they were expecting, but they don’t know whether it’s a boy or girl yet (the baby not the rabbit) so I’m making it rabbit coloured. Once her baby is born I’ll make some little clothes for it (the rabbit not the baby – do keep up!) either girly or boyish. I’ll also sew the baby’s name onto the foot as I’ve done with the rabbits I made for our grandsons (which is where she’d seen them, and why she wanted one).

The plastic gloves and chopstick? Vital implements for stuffing a rabbit! The gloves stop the stuffing from sticking all over my hands and ripping my skin, as my hands are so dry. The chopstick is for helping to turn the rabbit’s arms and legs the right way round and pushing stuffing into every little corner.

Emergency Blip I’m afraid – been behind a computer all day today. Now I’m going to be up a rabbit all evening………………………..

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