Nothing is worth more

By libbys

through a glass

today the sun came out for the first time in a while...I was along at my allotment at lunchtime, digging out some netting and seedling pots for the primary school I work with as a volunteer...the children are so keen on the very small scale modest gardening that we do...sadly in planter tubs as we have no real garden to work with ..but they still are infectiously enthusiastic nonetheless. At the moment the onion sets we put in in the winter are beginning to pop through as are the broad beans and the daffodils...our main challenge is the local cat community who like to use the planters as their WC...

I took this shot looking through the window in one our huts. I like the abstract quality of it, the way you have to work at working it out and the natural framing in the can see my last year's onions hanging on a string inside. I usually manage to grow enough to be self sufficient in onions throughout the year....feels very satisfying.

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