Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Our bungalow

A prefect day, and a terrific start to the holiday.

I slept and slept and slept after yesterday's exertions, and wasn't ready for action until 1:00 pm or so. We found our way to a supermarket and bought some bits and pieces for the bungalow, had lunch when we got back, and settled in to a lazy and relaxing afternoon.

When we were here two years ago we tended to eat out every night, but we're determined not to fall into that trap again this time, especially when fresh fruit and vegetables are so plentiful and so reasonably priced. Lunch at home was lively, and although we ate out in the evening it was cheap and cheerful in the extreme (three courses in an Italian place for only 12 euro!).

We finished off the night with a return to Bar Eiffel, one of our favourite haunts from last time. The owners remembered us, and recommended that  we try their cocktails with perfectly in-season local strawberries and mangos. I had a delicious mango daiquiri, and we'll probably try the strawberry version tomorrow.

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