Stanley Bridge

We had a splendidly lazy day, today. A day so undeniably lazy, in fact, that by late afternoon people started mumbling about whether we ought to do "something". This, chums, only happens when the the extreme of laziness has been reached.

But, of course, being a lazy day, none of the suggestions actually involved doing much and in the end we plumped for walking down to Devil's Bridge, which, even on the mooch, is no more than ten minutes away.

It must be said that we had - by some definitions, at least - wasted a glorious day but no one seemed to care. We stood around on Devil's Bridge, chatting idly and looking up and down river. Here's the up river view but today's photo looks down to Stanley Bridge.

After ten minutes or so, talk amongst the younger generation turned to ice cream so I was obliged to point out that there was both a barbecue and a chocolate fountain waiting back at the cottage and, this argument grudgingly accepted, we headed home.

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