
By fennerpearson


My parents are up for the weekend, which is lovely, but suddenly whole new levels of meal planning and organisation are required. Having arrived this morning, this afternoon my mum went out for tea leaving me with my dad and the two little ones.

My original plan, to go to The Snug at Carnforth station, was scuppered by the fact that a) Dan and Abi would be bored and b) it is closed on Saturday afternoons.

Instead, we headed over to Dent. Dent is a lovely little town, not far from KL as the crow flies but MILES by car; down the valley, over the bridge, up the valley, along Barbondale and then along Dentdale.

Once we were there, we took a brief walk around town before heading down to the river, where Dan and Abi played for a while. After that we headed up to the George And Dragon for a quick drink and some lemonade and crisps for the little ones.

It was actually all rather lovely and, seeing some signs for a bank holiday fête, we resolved to come back on Monday.

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