Pause in the park

On our way back from getting a pair of winter curtains we paused in Chapelfield gardens as, despite it being a Bank Holiday, it was deserted. Very peaceful so we just sat and - well, just sat. And reflected on how fortunate we are to have good health, good friends, enough money for our needs, a home and that we can walk the streets and gather in protest without the authorities aiming loaded guns at us.

I'd never noticed before that the seats reminded me of the hammers in a piano. If that's the correct term?

A lovely, gentle day which included us putting the new curtains up in our bedroom (and in the process poking a hole through the ceiling), me sitting on our bedroom floor listening to a play on Radio 4 whilst taking the curtain hems up by 6 inches by hand sewing them, Rol working on a script for a funeral ceremony he will be leading later this week and a delicious supper of veges from Farmshare.

It's been a really nice weekend.

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