am bioran

By AmBioran

A viewpoint

I was woken by the scampering of tiny feet. Mice. To be expected in a Highland bothy I suppose.

By 7.30 I was off on the 2nd day of my wee stravaig (not strictly a stravaig as I had a set route but you get the idea). Very soon I left the shadows of the deep glen near the bothy and was in warm sunshine plodding west along an excellent stalker's path towards the first hill of the day, Glas Bheinn (792m).

On the summit the views were even better than yesterday's with the Grey Corries, Mamores and the ridges of Glencoe warmly beckoning. The wind was keen so I didn't hang around long on top, and turned south towards Blackwater Reservoir. I reached the dam and marvelled at its size - at one time the largest hydro scheme in Britain. In the trees below the dam I could see the cemetery where the navvies who worked (and died) on the construction were buried.

Next it was onto some more bog and up the north ridge of Beinn a Chrulaiste (857m) for the highlight of the day. The views of Glencoe.

Then to the Kingshouse for a light refreshment before catching the late 13:46 bus to Bridge of Orchy and my car.

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