am bioran

By AmBioran

Allt Feith Chiarain

The 2 carriage train rumbled into Bridge of Orchy station just before 3 in the afternoon, the first train of the day. As I clambered aboard, the guard told me it was very busy and I might struggle to find a seat. "Doesn't matter," I said, "I'm only going to Corrour."

I found the last seat and settled down amongst the tourists heading north. M&S sandwiches and individual carrot cake slices were in evidence. The train rattled across Rannoch Moor, with the engine labouring up the inclines. After thirty minutes, the train arrived at the wilderness station of Corrour where I disembarked. Two others joined me on the platform, but headed off east. After the train disappeared off towards Fort William, I crossed the railway line onto the moor and climbed west onto the steep ridge of Sron an Lagain Ghairbh on the lonely Corbett of Leum Uilleum. I kept looking behind me as I climbed; the view widened with every step.

Loch Ossian was the centrepiece with the mountains of Ben Alder et al, the moor of Rannoch glistened with lochans to the south and the rusty line of the railway sinuously disappeared into the distance.

I passed over the summit, the wind was nil so the midges took advantage. Soon I was dropping down into the deep pass of the Allt Feith Chiarain heading for my accommodation in the bothy below.

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