Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Today was less calm than planned, mainly because my day off started with three hours in the office. However, after some frenzied picnic shopping and a bit of lunch, I set off to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park with Dan and Abi at about half-past one.

Up until yesterday, I had no idea where the sculpture park was, I'd simply assumed it was somewhere in the 'here be dragons' space to the north of Harrogate. However, it turned out to be near Barnsley, which is a couple of hours' drive, during which Dan repeatedly punched me, saying 'Mini punch, no returns' every time he saw a Mini. Gamely, I joined in, spotting only one Mini before he did. I was impressed by his observational skills, reaction time and also his undiminished enthusiasm over the course of the entire journey.

Once we'd arrived, we paid a whopping eight quid to park, which, on reflection, is fine if that's how they effectively charge admission (but then don't go asking for donations, too) before heading off to find the Minx and Jon and Lou plus all the kids. A coffee and a bit of flapjack later and we were ready to wander 'round.

I must say, I really enjoyed it and I think everyone else did, too. I loved the Orangery (although that is not actually a sculpture) and this by Sophie Ryder. Perhaps my favourite was the piece photo'd above by Ursula von Rydingsvard, which had a luminosity that I hope I've managed to capture. It's funny, isn't it, how these abstract pieces can, unpredictably, either leave you cold or absorb you into their unfathomable world.

At six o'clock, we went to see a show in the park called 'The Whispering Wood Folk: Secrets of the Fey', which was, indeed a bit fey, but the kids - ranging in age from six to nearly twelve - seemed to enjoy it, even if the unexpected rampaging cattle and the fairy-folks' flaming torches sent the Minx into a mild panic.

After that, in the gloaming, we had our picnic plus birthday cakes for the mini-Minx, who was eleven today, and then the recharged kids raced up and down while we took it easy in our chairs until it got too chilly to sit around. One bonus of staying late was seeing this sculpture, which I'd liked earlier on, unexpectedly light up.

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