
This time last year I was optimistically saying to people that I hoped to be back in my house by Christmas. Well, that didn't happen. And for most of this year, I've thought I was just a few weeks away from having everything sorted but that turned out not to be true.

And some point, though, I saw some really nice sofas that I thought would make a perfect moving back in present to myself. Fortunately, my optimism, whilst for the most part unwavering, was not so excessive that I actually ordered the furniture. 

I do go to visit it occasionally, though, and whilst it must be said that the Minx has tired of this pastime somewhat, the kids are still up for it. This afternoon, however, Abi was busy playing with the miniMinx and so, understandably, was not very interested in coming with me but Dan was up for it. He usually is for most things no matter how daft, to be honest.

He even stuck with me when I said I'd like to walk along the canal and take a photo of these old minature railway tracks, which I guess were once an attraction at Botany Bay. The British weather isn't ideal for ventures like that although it is great for rusting the tracks. 

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